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6 Reasons- why you should visit Prague


Prague is a city that knows how to surprise you. You will soon feel like a part of a fairy tale while walking, At night, musical Clubs are hidden behind an art deco facade. in the eclectic capital of the Czech Republic You won't regret the trip. To this magical and charming city in which There are hundreds of tall buildings, It has everything that a European capital can dream on.

The main condition: if you want to feel the Czech culture, historical, In addition to the sights, delicious beer awaits you.

So, if you visit the Czech capital full of mysteries you must visit those places:

1. Visit the Old Town Square

When you go out in the morning, visit the old square. Despite that Prague was the target of invaders' invasions, The old town square has been almost untouched since the tenth century. The main part of the beautiful architecture of the city is preserved here.  Lots of street performers and musicians will get you in the Czech mood in no time

2. Listen and watch the astronomical clock

While in Old Town Square, visit the Old Town Hall, To see a mechanical watch. The clock itself is on the south side of City Hall and is of Prague Pride. It was built in the fifteenth century and although damaged and repaired during its lifetime, It is considered to be the best preserved medieval mechanical clock in the world.

3. Visit Prague Castle

Located in Hradcan (Castle District), Prague Castle is undoubtedly the city's most popular tourist attraction. The picturesque castle was traditionally the seat of the Czech rulers And today it is the official residence of the president. Entrance to the castle grounds is free, although many buildings, such as the Cathedral of St. Vitus, St. George's Basilica and Golden Lane.

4. See the treasures of St. Vitus Cathedral

When you cross the Charles Bridge towards Mala Strana, just know that Prague is in store for you. On the royal road you will be met by the magnificent baroque architecture

Representatives and finally you will come across the Prague Cathedral, aka St. Vitus Cathedral, which is blindingly impressive.

One of the magnificent examples of Gothic architecture

The history begins from the tenth century. The temple got its present appearance in 1929. You may have to buy a ticket to visit the various buildings of the complex, but to enter the church itself, it’s free

Inside the cathedral you will find stained glass windows that Czech

It is painted by Alfons Mukha, a representative of the Art Nouveau style. The artist worked in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries

5.  Don't miss the statue of Sigmund Freud

Before you finish exploring the Old Town of Prague, look up at the sky a few times and you might even run into the father of psychoanalysis, who you might not recognize all of a sudden. This statue gives the impression of a hanged person who is killing himself. Tourists and citizens often miss him in suicide cases, and according to the local emergency services, they often receive calls about him. The sculpture is so popular that it has been exhibited in Berlin, Chicago and London. Tourists pose in front of the statue for original shots.


6. Taste famous beer of Prague

Czechs claim that the best beer in the world is Czech. And the best way to test their words is to visit Prague and taste this beer! Most Czech beers are pale in color and made with hand-picked hops. Locals prefer this kind of beer. There is even a beer museum in the city, where you will find more than 31 types of beer.

If you have a hard time choosing.












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